Arizona Volunteer Responds to Oklahoma Tornados

By Georgi Donchetz

Frank has become accustomed to responding to disasters. Since becoming a volunteer in 2018, he has responded to 42 deployments nationwide. He has seen it all – wildfires, hurricanes, and now tornados.

This deployment has been unique. Frank was part of the first wave of volunteers who hopped on a plane to go to Oklahoma to assist in the recovery following the tornadoes that ripped through the state. While he was there, another round of storms hit the state, increasing the need for Frank’s expertise.

Frank has the training to do a variety of jobs, but his main task is the distribution of emergency supplies – a task that places you in the midst of the destruction and in direct contact with those impacted by it.

“You are dealing with folks that have been completely stressed, or in some cases, have lost loved ones, so it can be challenging at times,” says Frank with a quiver in his voice. “Everybody I have dealt with in the community has thanked us for bringing them hope,”

Distribution of Emergency Supplies, or DES, is a critical job in the move towards recovery. Frank and his team drive around neighborhoods affected by tornados and hand out water bottles, cleanup kits, rakes, gloves, batteries, and more to help families start the process of going through their homes.

“We hand out totes, totes are huge here because people are walking around their properties trying to pick up stuff that has blown all over the place – pictures, personal files, that type of thing,” says Frank.

The support Frank and the team goes further than tools to assist in recovery. They are there when the reality of the situation sets in for these individuals. They are there to listen and provide comfort.

As a result of the heightened frequency and severity of disasters, the Red Cross is seeking volunteers to aid communities across the country. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit to discover a position that suits you best!

Published by Red Cross Arizona & New Mexico

Stories from the American Red Cross serving Arizona and New Mexico.

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