Reflecting on my first deployment to Houston, Tx

by Edgar Olivo, Regional CEO AZ/NM Region

Dear Arizona and New Mexico Red Crossers,

Today marks my last day on the Houston, Texas flood and tornado disaster operation that began on April 29th. While my time here is ending, the critical work continues as more storms and heat waves exacerbate the conditions for community residents striving to recover during this “not-so-silent” spring.

Deploying to Houston for my first disaster operation has been an incredibly humbling experience. Witnessing the impact of severe weather firsthand, I’ve seen the vital role our humanitarian work plays in times of crisis. The gratitude of our clients and the incredible teamwork of my colleagues over the past three weeks have deeply moved me. Together, we supported emergency shelters, distributed food, water, and supplies, and established crucial partnerships, particularly within Houston’s Latino communities. These relationships and frameworks will be essential as we prepare for what is projected to be one of the worst hurricane seasons on record.

In the last two weeks, we have had more disaster operations active than we typically see in a full year in our division. The intensity and frequency of these events require our region to step up and help our fellow neighbors. I am proud to say that our Red Cross teams are on the ground, actively supporting disaster operations across the country. We are working tirelessly to send help where it’s needed most and assist those affected by these natural disasters.

Here’s a snapshot of our efforts on this operation so far:

  • Shelter and Accommodation: Since opening shelters for this disaster, the Red Cross and our partners have provided 3,686 overnight stays for more than 656 residents in 21 emergency shelters. There were 2 new shelter registrations overnight.
  • Meals and Supplies: With the help of partners, a total of 80,285 meals and snacks have been provided. Of the total meals served, 14,589 are shelf-stable meals delivered where other resources are unavailable. To date, 73,585 relief items, including comfort kits and other supplies, have been provided to people in need, serving 3,421 households.
  • Support Services: Our operations are supported by 442 trained Red Cross disaster workers. Of these, 26 are trained to support health and mental health services, and spiritual care needs in the shelters and throughout the community. Workers have provided support to 13 EOC locations in the state.
  • Casework and Reunification: Red Cross caseworkers have opened 218 cases, serving 554 people with recovery support, including financial assistance, and the replacement of eyeglasses and other medical needs. We have successfully completed 7 welfare information requests out of the 8 received.
  • Damage Assessment: Preliminary reports indicate that of the 5,595 total assessments completed to date, 947 homes were either destroyed or suffered major damage.

Our ongoing relief efforts across southeastern Texas in response to the recent storms and floods are compounded by the dangerous, record-breaking heat. The climate crisis is real, and it’s more important than ever to mobilize communities and bring Red Cross resources to alleviate the human suffering caused by these incredibly dangerous weather events. Across the country, heat causes more deaths each year than any other weather event, according to the National Weather Service. I also want to thank our team for their efforts in the Extreme Heat Relief Door Hanger strategy.

Please sign up to spread the good word:

I am especially grateful to the following individuals for their shared lessons and support:

  • Shawn Shulze, Regional CEO of Texas Gulf Coast
  • Anna Apodaca, Executive Director
  • Kayla Gonzalez, Executive Director
  • Natalie Warren, Executive Director
  • Mia Bendixsen, J.D., Executive Director
  • Angelina Garcia, Executive Director
  • Kimberly Knights, SAF/IS Regional Director
  • Betsy Johnson, Job Director
  • Jennie Sahagun, Job Director
  • Maria Millan, Deputy Director
  • Richard Goldfarb, Associate Director
  • John Brown, External Relations
  • Leslie Luther, External Relations
  • Jim Brown, Community Engagement & Partnerships
  • Bernadette Villanueva, Latino Engagement Team
  • Calbrina Woods, Community Engagement & Partnerships
  • Roberto De La Torre, Community Engagement & Partnerships
  • Isabella Arguello Bacy, MSW, Senior Disaster Program Manager
  • Ebony Fowler, MPA, Disaster Program Manager
  • Jake Peters, Regional Disaster Officer
  • Obed Garcia, Disaster Program Supervisor

If you haven’t experienced a deployment yet, now is the time to get involved. The lessons learned, and the impact made are invaluable. Please continue to support our mission and consider volunteering or donating to our cause. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by these disasters.

Thank you to all who have deployed and are currently on assignment. Your dedication and hard work are truly inspiring.
And to the entire team on DR 770-24, THANK YOU for your gracious support and leadership! Houston is in good hands.

With gratitude,

Edgar R. Olivo  CEO
American Red Cross of Arizona & New Mexico
T:  602.206.3956 E:
he/him/his + why pronouns matter

Published by Red Cross Arizona & New Mexico

Stories from the American Red Cross serving Arizona and New Mexico.

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